Wednesday, April 8, 2009

The Cheapest Price in Town

Now, we having promotion for Monavie, here is the price list :

RM 100 per bottle

RM 95 per bottle
( at least 4 bottles, 1 Box)

The more u order , the cheaper price u can get.....

Please contact us to get to know the latest price !!!!!!!

What is MonaVie ?

Thinking of combine 19 of the worlds most healthy fruits into one pureed blend to maximize the life giving qualities of the best natural food from around the world.

Thanks to the foresight of some of the medical industry's top doctors. Monarch Health Science has formulated the MonaVie Blend.

By combining fresh fruits from around the world that are rich in antioxidants and phyto-nutrients, the MonaVie Blend is delivering what has never before and available.

The Benefits to the indigenous populations around the world of the 19 fruits in the MonaVie Blend is well documented. By combining the proven benefits of the life-giving fruits in a formulated blend, a never before balanced, functional beverage of natural nutrients is being made available to the world.

What is Acai?

Acai (The Brazilian acai berry is the crown jewel of MonaVie's premier blend)

An acai berry is a small dark-purple berry, no bigger than the size of a marble. The acai berry is grown in the Amazon rainforest in Brazil, and has been used as a healing agent there for many years.

This powerful berry supplies many health benefits to the body, which is why, for centuries, it has been a part of the Brazilian people’s daily diets and has shown to keep them healthy and energized.

For countless centuries, the people of the Amazon have revered this unique fruit for its health-promoting properties and prized it as a source of health and vitality. The remarkable health benefits of açai are continually being documented by modern science. And because of its unparalleled antioxidant levels and extraordinary nutrient content, açai is now widely regarded as one of the world's top superfoods.

Açai is rich in the following beneficial nutrients:

* Antioxidants
* Phytonutrients
* Amino acids
* Vitamins
* Trace minerals

Ingredients of Acai

19 Fruits From Paradise

Acai, Among the reported benefits, features of this deep purple berry are:

-Improved sexual function
-Improved digestion
-Helps prevent blood clots
-High levels of dietary fiber
-High levels of essential amino acids and trace minerals
-High levels of plant sterols, which help to control cholesteral
-Immune system support
-Essential fatty acids to help to combat heart disease
-Protein profile similar to eggs
-Very low sugar content
-Greater energy/stamina
-Improved mental focus
-Prevent and treatment of Alzheimer's
-Better sleep
-Prevents arteriosclerosis
-High levels of antioxidants
-Anti-aging support
-Promotes better circulation

White Grapes
The varying colors of grapes bring a spectrum of antioxidant protective power to this versatile fruit. The components in grape juice are reported to reduce the rish of cancers, stroke, heart disease and memory lost.

Purple Grapes
Purple grapes contain Resveratrol, the potent cancer fighting antioxidant found in red wine and other grape products and making headlines around the world. Grape juice has also been shown to provide benefits in areas of:

-Anti aging
- Anti inflammatory
-Anti bacterial
- Antioxidant
-Arterial flexibility
- Brain, skin, eye health
-Cardiovascular health
- Gastric health
-Inhibiting prostate cancer

Prunes are dried plums, rich in minerals and phenols, plus have an extremely high ORAC value. The drying process actually increase antioxidant powers by more than six times! USDA researchers believe that people of all ages can prevent and treat disease of aging by simply adding Prunes to their diets. Prunes are especially appropriate for:

-Boosting bone density
-Bowel cleansing regularity
-Cardiovascular disease
-Liver cleansing
-Preventing memory loss and Alzheimer's
-Fighting infections
-Diverticular disease
-Reducing cholesterol
-Reducing risk of estrogen-dependent cancers

The Camu camu (Myrciaria dubia), also known as CamuCamu, Cacari, and Camocamo, is a small bushy river side tree from the Amazon Rainforest of Peru and Brazil, which bears a red/purple cherry like fruit.

Kiwi fruit contains abundant phytonutrients and has gained fame as a delicious source of ample amounts of vitamin E, vitamin A, vitamin C, trace minerals and dietary fiber. Native to China.

For thousands of years in China, the Wolfberry has been known as “the herb of longevity.” It provides a powerful combination of antioxidants and polysaccharides. Wolfberry also provides eighteen amino acids and twenty-one trace minerals. Wolfberry, like açai, is known for the many health conditions that are helped by this fruit.

Blueberries are an antioxidant powerhouse. They contain large amounts of health-promoting phytochemicals such as anthocyanins and phenolics, currently being studied for their antioxidant benefits. Besides antioxidants, blueberries contain condensed tannins, and they offer a great lineup of nutrients like potassium and iron, as well as being an excellent source of Vitamin C

The pomegranate originated from Persia and has been cultivated in Eastern Europe and the Mediterranean region for several millennia. Pomegranate juice is a popular drink in the Middle East, and is also used in Iranian and Indian cuisine; it began to be widely marketed in the United States in 2002.

The Bilberry is a close relative of the blueberry and is noted for its phytonutrient content. Bilberry fruit and its extracts contain a number of biologically active components, including a class of compounds called anthocyanosides which are potent antioxidants.

The Lychee is native to the warmer forests of Southern China and probably Vietnam. It has been cultivated in China for well over a thousand years, and would no doubt have been a keenly sought after forest fruit in subtropical Sino-Vietnamese Asia. At 72mg of vitamin C per 100 grams of flesh, lychees are a very good source for this essential vitamin, as well as potassium and other nutrients.

Once reserved as a food to be served only to the wealthy and to Chinese nobles, Nashi pears have been grown, cultivated and eaten for centuries. Little is known about their origin...its estimated that they began appearing at least 3,000 years ago in China. Nashi pears are a great source of dietary fiber, and they’re also very high in potassium and other essential minerals. They contain nearly 10% of the USRDA for Vitamin C, and a high concentration of folates, which make up the Vitamin B complex group.

Cranberries are rich in many phytonutrients and proanthocyanidins (PACs), including important tannins and Vitamin C. Cranberries contain high amounts of vitamins, minerals, organic acids and various other phytonutrients. Cranberries are a good source of vitamin A, C, B complex, Folic Acid and Fiber. Also included are the minerals Calcium, Iron, Phosphorus, Potassium, Sodium and Sulfur. But there is more to them than just vitamins. Cranberries contain important plant pigments called bioflavanoids.

Acerola thrives in the sandy soils. They are rich in both antioxidants and a range of important vitamins.

Pears have been revered throughout time. Their cultivation has been traced back 3,000 years in western Asia, and some speculate pears might have been discovered by people in the Stone Age. They were an exotic food item in the court of Louis XIV and were called the “gift of the gods” by Homer in his epic, The Odyssey. Pears have been linked to Antioxidant protection.

ARONIA (Black Chokeberry)
Aronia juice contains very high levels of anthocyanins and flavonoids. Its beneficial nutrients include antioxidants, polyphenols, minerals and vitamins, as well as important trace minerals. Aronia has Polyphenols • Anthocyanidans • Quinic acid • Vitamins • Minerals • Flavinols.

Passion fruit is rich in vitamins, minerals and fiber, including: calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium and sulphur and B Vitamins. The legend of passion fruit dates back to Biblical time and rainforest natives have for generations used Passion fruit juice.

Bananas are a common supermarket fruit and are often taken for granted (few realize the health benefits bananas bring to them). Bananas are the ONLY fruit that comes not from trees or bushes but from large plants that are giant herbs and are related to the lily and orchid family.

Apricots provide a rich assortment of antioxidants and are abundant with soluble fiber, beta-carotene, magnesium, iron, phosphorous, potassium and Vitamin C. They also include a natural salicylate.

39 Reasons why you need Monavie

39 Reasons why you need Monavie.. The Acai juice

Good Nutrition for the Body

1. Açai helps build a strong body by providing protein: Proteins are the primary component of many hormones and body tissues, including muscles and organs. Proteins also make up the outer layers of hair, nails and skin. Açai has more protein than an average egg.

2. Helps strengthen bones: MonaVie Active contains glucosamine, which is a building block of cartilage, and Celadrin, which helps cushion joints and support membranes. These compounds help strengthen the body and help maintain many of the body’s tissues.

3. Muscle contractions and regeneration: Açai’s mix of essential amino acids and trace minerals are vital for strength and recovery after strenuous activity.

4. Açai increases energy and stamina: Açai includes a large amount of natural lipids that provide energy to tackle competitive sports and daily chores.

5. Stress relief: The Açai berry may help regulate your stress levels and repair your body.

6. Improves sexual health: Açai’s anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties may counter infertility due to stress, pollution and factors related to free radicals.

7. Aids body synergy: Açai’s immune-system strengthening qualities help protect the entire body.

8. A potent anti-aging food: The regenerative nutrients and strong antioxidants in Açai help keep cells operating optimally and may slow aging.

For Men

9. May help prevent prostrate enlargement: The antioxidant punch of Açai may be a powerful weapon in the fight against benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), commonly known as an enlarged prostate.

For Women

10. Helps prevent osteoporosis: Açai has a significant amount of calcium, which helps strengthen the bones, helps prevent fractures and can help prevent osteoporosis.

11. Menstrual cycles: Women who experience extreme menstrual pain can also benefit from Açai juice. Calcium-rich foods help coat the lining of the stomach and uterus, and help reduce the pain from cramps and bloating.

Heart Health & Diabetes

The Açai berry may possess the best of both the “French Paradox” and the “Mediterranean Diet” when it comes to heart health because of its stellar array of antioxidants, vitamins and minerals.

12. May help prevent causes of heart disease: The Açai berry contains antioxidants known as polyphenols, a principal source of heart protection. One anthocyanin, cyaniding-3-glucoside, may improve the production of nitric oxide (NO) in endothelial cells. Nitric oxide allows blood vessel walls to relax and expand, resulting in less stress on the heart, decreased risk of vessel blockage and increased blood flow.

13. Helps reduce bad cholesterol: In addition to its high antioxidant content, Açai is rich in essential fatty acids (EFAs). A large body of research indicates that EFAs help reduce harmful LDL cholesterol while supporting levels of beneficial HDL cholesterol, which can lead to better blood circulation.

14. Sterols may help lower blood pressure: Sterols are components of plant cell membranes providing numerous benefits to the human body. Sterols are sometimes used to treat symptoms associated with high blood pressure.

15. Helps protect blood vessels: The anthocyanins in Açai may help protect small and large blood vessels, including veins, arteries and capillaries.

16. In Diabetes: Weak capillaries can lead to a condition called retinopathy, which often leads to blindness. Açai may help protect capillaries.

17. Diabetes relief: Açai’s low glycemic index may help improve glucose and lipid levels in diabetes.

18. Weight control: Açai’s low glycemic index may help control appetite and delay hunger, which can help individuals trying to lose weight.

Galvanizes the Immune System

19. Açai may improve resistance to disease: Açai’s rich nutrient profile may help boost the body’s natural defenses.

20. Improved function of immune cells: Recent findings published in the International Journal of Sports Medicine indicate that Açai’s beta-sitosterol helps prevent immune suppression and modulates lymphocyte activity.

21. Helps prevent free-radical damage to the immune system: Açai is high in antioxidants that help reduce free radicals. Free radical damage (or oxidation) is one of the primary causes of immune system weakness or dysfunction.

22. Antiviral, antibacterial and antifungal: Açai may help reduce the frequency of infectious diseases.

23. Acts as an antimutagenic: Açai’s antioxidant properties may help prevent damage to DNA, which lowers the risks posed by carcinogens and mutagens.

Aid for the Digestive System

24. Improves digestion: Açai’s dietary fiber helps promote the health of the digestive tract, including the colon.

25. Helps overcome acid-reflux disease (GERD): The broad array of antioxidants in Açai may help protect and repair lower esophageal damage by GERD. Açai’s acid-suppression effects reduce the acidity of stomach contents when reflux does occur.

26. Helps heal ulcers: The antibacterial properties of Açai may kill bad bacteria, fungi and parasites, including H. pylori, the ulcer causing bacteria.

27. Helps relieve symptoms of Crohn’s disease: Açai’s anti-inflammatory abilities may prevent the mal-absorption of vital nutrients preventing damage to the wall of the small intestine.

Skin Care

The antioxidants in Açai feed the skin and help it build and replenish itself. Açai contains more than double the daily dose of natural vitamin E, which is essential for tissue regeneration.

28. Improves skin tone: Açai’s phytosterols may help reduce the erosion of the skin’s protective coating.

29. Defends against premature wrinkles: Because Açai is so high in anthocyanins and phytosterols, Açai may help protect connective tissues, including collagen.

30. Acts as an astringent: Astringents are substances that contract, shrink or tighten body tissues, including skin. Astringents can be used to stop bleeding in small cuts or to give the skin a fresh, tingling feeling.

Disease Fighter

31. May thwart cancer: The antioxidant protection of the Açai berry may lower cancer risks for several types of cancer, including breast, lung, skin and stomach cancers, by neutralizing free radicals before they can damage cells.

32. Reduces arthritis pain: The anti-inflammatory properties of Açai may offer relief for arthritis sufferers.

33. Relieves symptoms of asthma: Açai contains vitamin C, a powerful antioxidant with anti-inflammatory properties found to improve asthma symptoms.

34. May reduce risk of Alzheimer’s disease: A 2004 study from the Archives of Neurology found a reduced risk for Alzheimer’s disease with increased amounts of vitamins C and E, which is found in Açai.

Other Health Advantages of Açai

35. Aids vision: The beta-carotene and vitamin C in Açai promote eye health, including reducing complications of macular degeneration in diabetics.

36. Helps maintain healthy teeth and gums: The calcium in Açai may mean a whiter smile and stronger teeth, as well as the prevention of gingivitis and other gum diseases.

37. Improves mental clarity: Açai contains omega-3 fats which are crucial for proper mental function and alertness.

38. Better sleep: The B vitamins and other nutrients in Açai help reduce stress and may help brain cells communicate by assisting with the production of neurotransmitters like dopamine and serotonin.

39. Promotes overall wellness: Antioxidants may provide one of the best ways to prevent disease, promote overall wellness and slow the effects of aging in an environment that is growing increasingly harmful to our health. This tiny fruit from the Amazon has the best overall antioxidant profile to date.

Why Do I Need to Take Monavie Daily

Have you ever left an apple core lying around after you ate the apple? What happened to it? It turned brown, right?

Why did it turn brown? OXIDATION.

Believe it or not the same thing happens to humans. As we use oxygen to create energy, we produce a by-product called FREE-RADICALS.

While our cells use oxygen efficiently through the process of oxidation, it always cause some type of change. In this case of the apple it simply turns brown and starts the routing or dying process. In the case of a human with a cut, the damaged cell are replaced with new ones resulting in healed cut, new sin or maybe a scar.

However about 2% of our cells will become damaged in the process, turn into FREE-RADICALS, and can start a chain reaction process of harming more cells. The Free-Radicals harm other cells because they are mutated and try to find their missing component from other healthy cells. This damages the DNA of healthy cells and causes abnormalities.

Uncontrolled Free Radicals activity have been linked to cancer, heart disease, Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease Arthritis, Strokes and DNA damage leading to mutations.

Most of the time our body controls these FREE-RADICALS by producing natural antioxidants.

The big problem we are all faced with are the external toxins of our environment. External Free-Radical Generators, as they are called, can be air pollution, cigarette smoke, pesticides, excessive amount of alcohol, foods that are high in fat and processed, as well as, margarine, shortening, hydrogenated oil, preservatives, meat, butter, sugar, white flour, fried and browned foods.

Physical and emotional stress are also to blame for increased Free-Radicals as well as UV radiation from the sun.

All of these Free-Radicals overwhelm the body's ability to produce antioxidants, Antioxidants minimize and keep your body cells healthy.

One of the most effective way to increase your antioxidants is to eat high antioxidant foods, which are fruits and vegetables.

One question you may ask is how do i find foods in antioxidant value?

You can measure the ORAC value, which is the foods effectiveness in the fight against Free-Radicals, the higher the number the better. Or u can take MonaVie containing the ACAI berry.

See the ORAC chart below:

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Monavie attracted National Attention

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The Oprah Winfrey Show list the Acai as the World's number one ' super food for age defying beauty'

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NBC today reported, "The Anomabi Indians believed for centuries that the ACAI holds unique power"

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The Men's Journal called it " The fruit that packs a punch"

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Vogue magazines calls it " The next big workout cocktail "

University of Florida ' Acai barries are already considered one of the richest fruit source of antioxidants... This study was an important step toward learing what people may gain from using beverages, dietary supplements and other products made with berries.

The London Times reports
, "Acai is the fruit of an Amazonian palm tree with the nutritional content that makes other fruits blush with inadequacy"

Tuesday, April 7, 2009