Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Why Do I Need to Take Monavie Daily

Have you ever left an apple core lying around after you ate the apple? What happened to it? It turned brown, right?

Why did it turn brown? OXIDATION.

Believe it or not the same thing happens to humans. As we use oxygen to create energy, we produce a by-product called FREE-RADICALS.

While our cells use oxygen efficiently through the process of oxidation, it always cause some type of change. In this case of the apple it simply turns brown and starts the routing or dying process. In the case of a human with a cut, the damaged cell are replaced with new ones resulting in healed cut, new sin or maybe a scar.

However about 2% of our cells will become damaged in the process, turn into FREE-RADICALS, and can start a chain reaction process of harming more cells. The Free-Radicals harm other cells because they are mutated and try to find their missing component from other healthy cells. This damages the DNA of healthy cells and causes abnormalities.

Uncontrolled Free Radicals activity have been linked to cancer, heart disease, Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease Arthritis, Strokes and DNA damage leading to mutations.

Most of the time our body controls these FREE-RADICALS by producing natural antioxidants.

The big problem we are all faced with are the external toxins of our environment. External Free-Radical Generators, as they are called, can be air pollution, cigarette smoke, pesticides, excessive amount of alcohol, foods that are high in fat and processed, as well as, margarine, shortening, hydrogenated oil, preservatives, meat, butter, sugar, white flour, fried and browned foods.

Physical and emotional stress are also to blame for increased Free-Radicals as well as UV radiation from the sun.

All of these Free-Radicals overwhelm the body's ability to produce antioxidants, Antioxidants minimize and keep your body cells healthy.

One of the most effective way to increase your antioxidants is to eat high antioxidant foods, which are fruits and vegetables.

One question you may ask is how do i find foods in antioxidant value?

You can measure the ORAC value, which is the foods effectiveness in the fight against Free-Radicals, the higher the number the better. Or u can take MonaVie containing the ACAI berry.

See the ORAC chart below:

user posted image

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